We’ll introduce support for MicroPDF417 in the Professional and Enterprise Editions. This barcode is a more compact flavor of the (already supported) PDF417. It can contain up to 150 Bytes of information and is also used for the composite part of the GS1 DataBar symbology.
It supports an even higher information density than PDF417 – the x:y bar ratio can be set as low as 1:2. Of course this is configurable, as well as the preferred format and encoding. This way, it can even encode up to 250 characters and 366 digits.

Another added symbology is the Codablock-F. Although not new at all, this has been the most requested missing barcode. Having it’s origin in Germany (in 1989!), it’s used mainly in medicine and healthcare. It’s capacity is a maximum of 2725 characters.
Just to give you an impression what it looks like to develop a new symbology support from scratch, here’s a photograph of the responsible dev’s desktop – no kidding, no posed picture: