Report Server 28: New Features and Enhancements

Faster reports, more flexible export, and the option to upload to secured FTP servers: The new Report Server 28 offers many new functions for its users. Some are customers’ wishes, like using project includes and subreports. This way, recurring elements such as letterheads, tables or charts can easily be reused in new report templates.

Report Server 27: New Features and Improvements

In the Report Server’s most current version, a few more exciting new features have been implemented, as a response to some customer requests. Overall, the new Report Server now visually integrates better into your application. Also, in addition to new actions for planned reports, it also offers additional enhancements for Excel export. Service Pack 27.001 will provide customers with a completely new preview.

Porting to .NET Core: Report Server on New Technology Basis

report server ansichten endgeräte

The Report Server saw the light of day in 2014. At that time, version 1.0 was implemented using the ASP.NET MVC framework and was based on List & Label 19. But as the number of users increased in subsequent versions, so did the requirements and ideas for new features. Some of the customer requests were difficult to realize with the underlying technology. Many developers have certainly been faced with the same question: What should we do next?


New Connection to Microsoft Flow for the Report Server

Microsoft Flow allows you to define your own processes and workflows based on various triggers. More than 200 services such as Office 365, Facebook, WordPress etc. are available for this purpose, which can interact with each other in the workflows (called flows). These services offer actions as well as triggers, such as when a file is created (on Google Drive, DropBox or also on alternative services like e.g. box) or when a mail is received. Each flow has a trigger and may have multiple actions. This article describes how to connect combit Report Server to Microsoft Flow.

New Apps for the combit Report Server

This post belongs to a series of blog posts that are dedicated to the innovations of combit Report Server 24. At this point I would like to recommend the two posts "What's New in Report Server 24, Part 1" and "What's New in Report Server 24, Part 2".

Today we are talking about the new native iOS and Android apps for the combit Report Server, which allow you to access the reports on your Report Server directly from your smartphone or tablet. Previously, this was also possible directly via the Report Server web interface, but the new apps offer additional options and a device adapted and fast operation, as you would expect from a native app.

Customer Wishes Implemented in the Ad-hoc Designer

Since version 3 of the Report Server, you can create reports quickly and easily with the Ad-hoc Designer. Since List & Label 23, this feature is also available for .NET developers for integration into their applications. Today I would like to show briefly which customer requests we were able to implement in combit List & Label 24 and Report Server 24 in the Ad-hoc Designer.