List & Label Reporting Blog

Distribute Emails via Office 365 / Microsoft Graph with List & Label

Distribute Emails via Office 365 / Microsoft Graph with List & Label

ByJochen BartlauApr 3, 20233 min read
Microsoft is putting more and more obstacles in its Office 365 package, making it difficult to send SMTP emails “just like that” with basic authentication (see e.g. here) and with MAPI/XMAPI in the cloud anyway. But on-premise also brings new challenges (have you ever dealt with our Cross-Bitness-Proxy for x86 applications and x64 Office? 🙂 ). So it was about time to offer a new, up-to-date solution for the very frequently used email delivery.
Improved Handling of Default Fonts

Improved Handling of Default Fonts

ByJochen BartlauMay 13, 20152 min read

In version 20, we started to blog about upcoming features in List & Label. I'd like to stick to this new tradition and share new features in version 21 to give you an idea of what we're working on. As always, comments are appreciated very much. If you have new ideas to share, you'll also want to visit our feedback portal. See our April blogpost if you haven't worked with the portal before. So, without any further ado I'll share the first new feature with you – an improved default font handling.


Designer Preview Support for Xbase++

ByJochen BartlauApr 24, 20153 min read
Today, I spoke at the Xbase Forum Meeting in Potsdam, Germany. Besides presenting what our reporting tool can do I had the joy and honor to share my presentation with Tom Liehr, a respected member of the Xbase++ community. Together we've created a modified sample for Xbase++ that shows how to support the designer preview in Xbase++. Or – better said – Tom did most of the hard work while I stood flabbergasted at the sideline. I was only able to give some hints that helped crossing the finish line just in time which was Easter Monday, 10:30 pm.
Vote Now – We Love User Innovation

Vote Now – We Love User Innovation

ByJochen BartlauApr 8, 20153 min read
User innovation has always been a driving force for our product development. Many of the features we've added in the past were inspired by requests from the community. Often, multiple requests for similar features helped us to find the actual need behind the feature ideas. Most prominently, the report container was born this way – from the need to be able to report relational data structures.
Two Ways to Reuse Existing Objects In New Projects

Two Ways to Reuse Existing Objects In New Projects

ByJochen BartlauMar 4, 20153 min read
The idea for this post was triggered by a comment by MikeH on the last blog post. He requested the feature to have a kind of meta object containing different other objects in a pre-specified manner in order to speed things up for endusers. There are already a couple of features that cover at least similar use cases and I thought I'd highlight them.
New Features in Release 20.002

New Features in Release 20.002

ByJochen BartlauFeb 24, 20152 min read
While we are constantly working on LL21, we started to merge selected features to the 20-branch. This provides us with the agility to quickly react to frequent demands and offer a much shorter time to market for our subscription customers.

Accessing any .NET Data Source with the Data Providers

ByJochen BartlauJan 14, 20155 min read
The data provider concept has been around for a couple of years now. We steadily work on extending the list of available data providers and can bind to most any data source by now. Besides the well-known ones, there are also some meta providers that deserve some spotlight.
A First Peek at List & Label 21

A First Peek at List & Label 21

ByJochen BartlauDec 8, 20141 min read
As we're starting internal discussions and meetings and the first LL21 sprint is getting in shape I wanted to share this photograph, the result of a two hour meeting between the two guys that are sometimes called "Mr. List & Mr. Label" internally – our Senior Architect Christian Kaiser and myself.
Three Often Overlooked Features

Three Often Overlooked Features

ByJochen BartlauDec 2, 20143 min read
We always try to implement new features as visible as possible. However, sometimes features are less discoverable or self explaining than we'd hope for – we're steadily working on that. Here are three very useful features you might have overlooked so far.
New and Extended Designer Objects

New and Extended Designer Objects

ByJochen BartlauNov 5, 20142 min read
In version 20 you see the debut of a brand new Designer object: the checkbox. This object is used to indicate if a boolean value (a condition) is met or not. Think of visualizing the availability of a product, the selected menu in a hotel etc. And the OLE object just got a major overhaul.
How We Release A New Version

How We Release A New Version

ByJochen BartlauOct 15, 20144 min read
List & Label 20 is quickly hitting the final milestones. I've been blogging about the new features since spring. This time, however, I'd like to share some insights into what happens as we shift near RTM.