List & Label Reporting Blog

Have You Already Discovered These LL29 Features? 

Have You Already Discovered These LL29 Features? 

ByJochen BartlauJun 12, 20243 min read
This is our last blog post about what’s new in List & Label 29, so let’s take a look at features we haven’t presented yet. Highlights include native .NET 8 assemblies, new data providers, and enhanced report design options.
New Service Pack 28.004 for List & Label and the Report Server

New Service Pack 28.004 for List & Label and the Report Server

ByDaniel KennerNov 13, 20233 min read
The latest service pack 28.004 for List & Label and the Report Server brings a new chart type in the Web Report Designer and Windows 11 23H2 support. Experience improved user interfaces alongside significant performance upgrades especially for horizontal gauges. For a detailed list of all changes, see the ServicePack.pdf in your installation or in the service pack download section.
Enhanced Drag & Drop Support in the Designer

Enhanced Drag & Drop Support in the Designer

ByJochen BartlauNov 7, 20232 min read
A frequently asked question was: “Why can’t I see the relations in the report designer?” This question refers to the variable/field window, in which 1:1 relationships were displayed, but not (the usually much more important) 1:n relationships. In short, our answer was always: “The relations are there, but only in the object window, e.g. when creating tables”. We even put the long answer in a Knowledgebase article.
Miscellaneous Treats in List & Label 28

Miscellaneous Treats in List & Label 28

ByJochen BartlauSep 21, 20231 min read
As with any release, there are way too many new features in version 28 to cover them all in separate blog posts. So here’s a quick summary of some rather hidden gems that still deserve some attention.
Adding Page Breaks at Arbitrary Positions

Adding Page Breaks at Arbitrary Positions

ByJochen BartlauSep 5, 20231 min read
List & Label already has a wide range of functionality to control the page flow as needed. Each object has a “Pagebreak Before” property, just like the elements in a report container. Tables have an additional page break condition that is evaluated for each line. However, one feature was missing: forcing a page break within a text. This was changed in version 28.
Fixed Headers for the XHTML Export

Fixed Headers for the XHTML Export

ByJochen BartlauJul 31, 20231 min read
Further improving our export formats is one of the focus areas for List & Label 28. Introducing fixed headers for the XHTML export fits nicely into this strategy. This feature, also known as frozen headers, has been requested by some of your peers.
New Features for Your Report Parameter Selection

New Features for Your Report Parameter Selection

ByJochen BartlauJul 6, 20232 min read
Report parameters have gained great popularity since their introduction. They offer a flexible and easy way to create dynamic reports. In particular, the ability to create data-bound parameters has been well received. However, in combination with larger databases, there were some limitations that we finally eliminated now in version 28.
New Service Pack 28.003 for List & Label and the Report Server

New Service Pack 28.003 for List & Label and the Report Server

ByDaniel KennerJun 16, 20235 min read
The new service pack 28.003 for List & Label extends your reporting with support for Embarcadero RAD Studio 11.3 and new chart types in the Web Report Designer. In addition, the corresponding Enterprise NuGet packages are now available for all .NET assemblies for a smooth integration into your projects. For a detailed list of all changes, see the servicepack.pdf in your installation or in the service pack download section.
New Data Provider for Azure Cosmos Database

New Data Provider for Azure Cosmos Database

ByThomas MetternichMay 10, 20232 min read
Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed Microsoft NoSQL database for modern app development, which is growing in popularity. Various APIs are available for connecting to Cosmos DB, as for example SQL API, Cassandra API or MongoDB API. Since we’re already able to connect to MongoDB or Cassandra through their own data providers, we’ll use the SQL API for the provider.
Distribute Emails via Office 365 / Microsoft Graph with List & Label

Distribute Emails via Office 365 / Microsoft Graph with List & Label

ByJochen BartlauApr 3, 20233 min read
Microsoft is putting more and more obstacles in its Office 365 package, making it difficult to send SMTP emails “just like that” with basic authentication (see e.g. here) and with MAPI/XMAPI in the cloud anyway. But on-premise also brings new challenges (have you ever dealt with our Cross-Bitness-Proxy for x86 applications and x64 Office? 🙂 ). So it was about time to offer a new, up-to-date solution for the very frequently used email delivery.
New Service Pack 27.005 for List & Label and the Report Server

New Service Pack 27.005 for List & Label and the Report Server

ByDaniel KennerMar 7, 20233 min read
In this summary you will find the most important new features and improvements of service pack 27.005, including support for Windows 11 22H2 and Windows 10 22H2 as well as support for Embarcadero RAD Studio 11.2.