Die einzelnen Einträge in der Zusammenfassung wurden wie gewohnt aus dem englischen Readme übernommen. Eine detaillierte Auflistung aller Änderungen findest du im ServicePack.pdf in deiner Installation sowie im Downloadbereich des Servicepacks.
- Web Report Designer: If an operation in a modal fails, a new error modal will now be shown in front of it. User may use it to retry or cancel and it prevents them from getting „stuck“ inside the modal which caused the error.
- Web Report Designer: Added labels functionality to table field gauges.
- Web Report Designer: Added color ranges functionality to table field data graphics.
- VCL: Support for Embarcadero RAD Studio 12.1 (BDE & FireDAC).
- Added new export option TXT.IgnoreLinewrapForDataOnlyExport. When set to 0, explicit line breaks such as chr$(13) or „¶“ will be retained for CSV exports. Ensure the use a of valid framing character (TXT.FrameChar) in this scenario. If the value is set to 1 (the default), these line breaks are converted to blanks as before.
- New option LL_OPTION_SUPPRESS_REPORTPARAMETER_POPUP_WITHDEFAULTVALUE to suppress the ReportParameter dialog, even if it’s needed.
Report Designer
- Added new option LL_OPTION_EVALUATEISVOLATILE (416) to define the expression given in the designer function „Evaluate(…)“ is not constant and will evaluate always (no caching).
- Function Wizard: switching the „function“ list in the first page from „grouped“ to „alphabetical“ or back could have caused the bottom item to be partially visible (bug in TreeView control).
- If the user supplied any value for LL_OPTIONSTR_EXPORTS_ALLOWED_IN_PREVIEW, the xfdf format will not dynamically be added anymore unless additionally specified.
Web Report Designer: If the frame properties of an object have been changed without using at least one frame, this is now reported to the user if he is sure that he wants to close the dialog.
- FireDAC VCL: The icon/logo for the ListLabel29 component is now displayed in Embarcadero RAD Studio.
Report Server
- The fingerprint of a set SFTP private key is now displayed as SHA256 instead of MD5.
- Added option LL_OPTION_REPEAT_GROUPHEADER_ONLY_IF_FORCED (418). If set to true, a group header of a parent table will only be repeated as header if the corresponding property of the group header line is set to true. If set to false (default, compatibility), the header will be repeated independent of the property value as before.
- Upgraded Microsoft.Data.SqlClient package references to tackle CVE-2024-0056.
- Web Report Designer / Web Report Viewer: Updated Axios to 1.6.5.
- Report Server: Updated NuGet packages to mitigate CVE-2024-0056 and CVE-2024-21319.
- Implemented mitigation for CVE-2023-52356 (A segment fault (SEGV) flaw in Libtiff). See https://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2023-52356/ for details.